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5.Mar, 2020 Comments Off on Election Administration Problems on Super Tuesday

Election Administration Problems on Super Tuesday

When 14 states held their presidential primaries last Tuesday on so-called “Super Tuesday,” overall voting went smoothly. There were, however, a number of notable election administration problems that election officials can learn from as we look forward to likely high turnout during the general election this fall.  Electionline summarized the…

24.Feb, 2020 Comments Off on New Survey: Election Integrity Protections Do Not Keep People from Voting

New Survey: Election Integrity Protections Do Not Keep People from Voting

A study of 14,000 non-voters was released last week, and the reasons eligible voters gave for not voting were not surprising. The results undermined the narrative of “voter suppression” popular among liberals and the mainstream media and demonstrated that election integrity protections do not keep people home on Election Day. . ….

2.Dec, 2019 Comments Off on Recent Federal Lawsuit Seeks Certainty in NC Elections

Recent Federal Lawsuit Seeks Certainty in NC Elections

In late October, Fair Lines America Foundation announced their support of a recent federal lawsuit related to the ongoing crisis in the North Carolina redistricting saga. Fair Lines America Foundation sent an email release with the following:   “Fair Lines America Foundation is supporting several North Carolina plaintiffs in a…

17.Oct, 2019 Comments Off on SHIELD Act Would Harm Free Speech, Not Limit Foreign Influence

SHIELD Act Would Harm Free Speech, Not Limit Foreign Influence

Yesterday, the House Administration Committee held a markup of H.R. 4617, the “SHIELD Act”, which serves in part as the House counterpart to the Senate’s “Honest Ads Act”. While the House Administration Committee has made election security reforms one of their top priorities this Congress, the majority continues to introduce…

11.Oct, 2019 Comments Off on Elections Expert Cites Vote Harvesting as Major Threat to Election Integrity

Elections Expert Cites Vote Harvesting as Major Threat to Election Integrity

A recent study published by Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation cites vote harvesting as one of the preeminent threats to the integrity of U.S. elections. Currently, 27 states plus the District of Columbia allow third parties, including politically motivated interest groups and consultants, to collect absentee ballots from…

3.Oct, 2019 Comments Off on Wisconsin Special Election Highlights Disregard for Rule of Law

Wisconsin Special Election Highlights Disregard for Rule of Law

When Congressman Sean Duffy (R-WI) resigned from the U.S House of Representatives on September 23rd, 2019, Governor Tony Evers set a date for a special election on January 27th, 2020 to fill the recently vacant 7th Congressional seat. Two Republican candidates have declared, which will trigger a primary, set by…

15.Aug, 2019 Comments Off on California’s Motor Voter Program Fraught with Errors

California’s Motor Voter Program Fraught with Errors

California’s quest to be the nation’s benchmark for automatic (mandatory) voter registration was dealt a blow thanks to a recent audit highlighting issues with its perpetually plagued motor voter program.    The audit, released Friday by the Office of California Governor Gavin Newsom, showed that almost 84,000 duplicate voter registrations were on…

18.Jul, 2019 Comments Off on West Virginia and New York Join Growing List of States Experiencing Issues with Automatic Voter Registration

West Virginia and New York Join Growing List of States Experiencing Issues with Automatic Voter Registration

As the debate surrounding automatic (or mandatory) voter registration continues ahead of the 2020 elections, interesting developments in two states highlight the underlying issues behind these drastic “reforms”. 18 states and the District of Columbia have adopted AVR, and in doing so, cases of illegible voters being added to the…

28.Jun, 2019 Comments Off on House Passes Partisan Election Security Bill Stripping States of Autonomy

House Passes Partisan Election Security Bill Stripping States of Autonomy

Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 2722, the Securing America’s Federal Elections (SAFE) Act, after a highly contentious display of partisanship in the Committee on House Administration, right as our Nation is faced with continuing threats to our elections. While all indicators point to this legislation having little…

13.Jun, 2019 Comments Off on Arizona’s Establishment of Electoral Integrity Unit Highlights Rare Bipartisan Consensus

Arizona’s Establishment of Electoral Integrity Unit Highlights Rare Bipartisan Consensus

In the wake of the 2018 Senate election in Arizona, politicians  grew concerned of the status quo of safeguards protecting voters, protecting ballots, and protecting the overall electoral process in the state. Over the course of the election and the post-mortem analysis, a number of inconsistencies in the process startled…