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1.Nov, 2016 Comments Off on Will a President Trump make fighting voter fraud a priority in first 100 days?

Will a President Trump make fighting voter fraud a priority in first 100 days?

Tom Spencer, a senior fellow with the Lawyer’s Democracy Fund (LDF), lays out the case in Lifezette for voter fraud being a top priority in a new Trump Administration and arguing for a task force to be immediately convened to review the irregularities of the 2016 election.   Spencer lays…

1.Nov, 2016 Comments Off on Poll Monitoring in New Hampshire

Poll Monitoring in New Hampshire

Despite the heated rhetoric regarding poll watching during this election season, poll watchers are a time-honored and important part of protecting the integrity of elections.  In New Hampshire, where the integrity of elections is threatened by drive-by voting, procedures to monitor the polls are especially critical.  Like most states, New…

31.Oct, 2016 Comments Off on Behind the Scenes – Mail Ballot Processing

Behind the Scenes – Mail Ballot Processing

This fascinating behind the scenes view of mail ballot processing in Kern County, California, includes a description of the important signature verification process that protects against mail-in ballot fraud:   Across the room, under the surveillance cameras that document everything done in the Elections Division, computers loaded up all the…

28.Oct, 2016 Comments Off on Voters Beware! Electioneering Prohibitions Apply to Voters

Voters Beware! Electioneering Prohibitions Apply to Voters

In addition to examining a sample ballot and determining how they will vote, brining any necessary identification to the polls, and checking out their state’s rules regarding ballot selfies, voters in most states need to be careful what they wear to the polls.  Most states have prohibitions on electioneering (campaigning for or…

28.Oct, 2016 Comments Off on Maine Voters to Consider Statewide Change of Voting System to Ranked Choice Voting

Maine Voters to Consider Statewide Change of Voting System to Ranked Choice Voting

Maine will be considering Question 5, ranked choice voting initiative on this years November ballot.  Some general analysis can be found here.  This initiative is interesting for a number of reasons, primarily because as of August 2016, there were no states that currently used ranked-choice for standard statewide elections. According to Ballotpedia, “currently all states…

28.Oct, 2016 Comments Off on DOJ Will Observe 2016 Election, Needs Court Order to Monitor State Polling Places

DOJ Will Observe 2016 Election, Needs Court Order to Monitor State Polling Places

A lengthy story in the Charlotte Observer describes the reduction of Department of Justice observers in polling places across the country.  After the Shelby County case on the formula for Section 5 VRA coverage, the Department now needs to show a Court that there is a reason and need to involuntary require…

27.Oct, 2016 Comments Off on Aging Technology and User Error Pose Problems for Voting Machines

Aging Technology and User Error Pose Problems for Voting Machines

Already with early voting, there are reports of voting machines flipping votes:   In every recent election, there have been reports of voters pressing one candidate’s name on a touch-screen machine, only to have the opponent’s name light up instead. It can be unnerving for voters and often leads to…

25.Oct, 2016 Comments Off on Miami Dade Supervisor of Elections Is Violating Election Law By Returning Mail Ballots to Early Voters

Miami Dade Supervisor of Elections Is Violating Election Law By Returning Mail Ballots to Early Voters

According to sources in Miami, the Miami-Dade Supervisor of Elections is inexplicably violating Florida election law and increasing the election’s vulnerability to double voting.  By direction, poll workers are failing to “cancel and collect mail ballots” returned back to the early voting polling place by mail voters who decide to vote at an early voting site.  …

25.Oct, 2016 Comments Off on Wisconsin Federal Judge approves expanded Photo ID educational program

Wisconsin Federal Judge approves expanded Photo ID educational program

Out of Wisconsin, NPR reports on the Wisconsin photo ID law.  Yesterday, a federal judge approved an expanded photo ID educational program, but there are a few additional issues in dispute that still need to be decided.  For example, the use of mobile DMV units to provide free IDs before the election…

25.Oct, 2016 Comments Off on Not So Fast! Selfies May (or May Not) Be Legal in Your Polling Place

Not So Fast! Selfies May (or May Not) Be Legal in Your Polling Place

Depending on where you vote, a photo selfie may or may not be legal in your polling place.   This New Mexico article Let me just take a ballot box selfie? Not so fast shows that the law is still in a state of flux.   As the election inches closer,…