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Maine Voters to Consider Statewide Change of Voting System to Ranked Choice Voting

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28.Oct, 2016 Comments Off on Maine Voters to Consider Statewide Change of Voting System to Ranked Choice Voting Election Administration

Maine Voters to Consider Statewide Change of Voting System to Ranked Choice Voting

Maine will be considering Question 5, ranked choice voting initiative on this years November ballot.  Some general analysis can be found here.  This initiative is interesting for a number of reasons, primarily because as of August 2016, there were no states that currently used ranked-choice for standard statewide elections. According to Ballotpedia, “currently all states use the method of voting that allows voters to choose one candidate and the candidate with the most votes in a single round of voting is elected.”  While voters are always open for change, you might wonder if Maine was really willing to make such a dramatic change statewide.  We shall see on election night. Below is an excerpt definition from Ballotpedia on ranked choice voting and what it might mean for Maine.


Question 5 defines ranked-choice voting as “the method of casting and tabulating votes in which voters rank candidates in order of preference, tabulation proceeds in sequential rounds in which last-place candidates are defeated and the candidate with the most votes in the final round is elected.

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