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4.Nov, 2016 Comments Off on Weirdest Polling Places in America

Weirdest Polling Places in America

For a bit of Friday fun, here are some examples of the odd places Americans will be casting votes next Tuesday:   A years-long, cross-country look at the barbershops and dentists’ offices and pool halls where Americans vote. The range of locations, says Donnell, is testament to the diversity of…

3.Nov, 2016 Comments Off on 83 Mail Ballots Sent to One Address in California

83 Mail Ballots Sent to One Address in California

Either through fraud or a “system error,” 83 mail ballots were sent to a two-bedroom apartment with a single inhabitant in California:   Jerry Mosna was gardening outside his San Pedro, Calif., home Saturday when he noticed something odd: Two stacks of 2016 ballots on his mailbox. The 83 ballots,…

3.Nov, 2016 Comments Off on Ballot Selfies Still Prohibited in California and Michigan

Ballot Selfies Still Prohibited in California and Michigan

Despite recent legal challenges, ballot selfies are still prohibited in California and Michigan.   The ballot selfie ban in California will be revoked on January 1 but will remain in effect next Tuesday:   A federal judge has denied the ACLU’s request for California voters to be allowed to take…

3.Nov, 2016 Comments Off on TX SOS – Vote Fraud Happens and Can Effect Election Outcomes

TX SOS – Vote Fraud Happens and Can Effect Election Outcomes

Texas Secretary of State Carlos Cascos gave an interview on election issues, where he noted that fraud happens, it is difficult to know to what extent as we can only tell the instances in which it is caught, and that it occurs in many different forms:   We don’t know….

3.Nov, 2016 Comments Off on DOJ to Monitor Polls in NC

DOJ to Monitor Polls in NC

The Department of Justice is sending election monitors to polls in four North Carolina counties on election day.  DOJ monitors at the polls are not unusual, but local election officials have been given no indication of why these counties were chosen or what the monitors will be looking for:  …

3.Nov, 2016 Comments Off on Court Rules that PA Poll Watchers Must Be from County

Court Rules that PA Poll Watchers Must Be from County

Pennsylvania law requires that poll watchers be registered to vote in the county in which they serve as poll watchers.  The Republican Party of Pennsylvania challenged this rule, and the Eastern District of Pennsylvania ruled that the law was valid, in part because the challenge was brought too close to…

2.Nov, 2016 Comments Off on Florida GOP threatens to sue Broward County over lack of sunshine of mail ballot counting

Florida GOP threatens to sue Broward County over lack of sunshine of mail ballot counting

Things are heating up in the Sunshine State as Florida Republicans have sent a notice letter to the Broward County Supervisor of Elections threatening to sue over the lack of transparency in the handling of mail ballots and refusal to allow observation of the process.  The letter states that the office is only…

1.Nov, 2016 Comments Off on Days before the Election, Arizona Absentee Ballot Harvesting Law at the 9th Circuit

Days before the Election, Arizona Absentee Ballot Harvesting Law at the 9th Circuit

In case you weren’t following it, the Arizona v. Feldman case is still at the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals with a last minute gasp request for en banc review of the case. The Purcell doctrine should be in play as we head into the last week of the election. If accepted by the Court and…

1.Nov, 2016 Comments Off on Florida Mail Ballots Stolen and Fraudently Voted by Impersonators

Florida Mail Ballots Stolen and Fraudently Voted by Impersonators

In Seminole County, Florida, five voters discovered that their mail ballots had been stolen and fraudulently voted by impersonators.  At least one couple inquired to the county office on the status of their ballots and then told that their ballots had already been cast in their name.  An investigation is underway, but this…

1.Nov, 2016 Comments Off on Complaining about campaign poll watchers is just “pregame hype”

Complaining about campaign poll watchers is just “pregame hype”

NPR reports on some of the generated hysteria over allowing watchers in the polling place to observe the voting process and where many simply ignore the right of parties and candidates to have representatives in the polls.   All of this comes amid heightened concerns among election officials about confrontations at…