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25.Oct, 2016 Comments Off on Wisconsin Federal Judge approves expanded Photo ID educational program

Wisconsin Federal Judge approves expanded Photo ID educational program

Out of Wisconsin, NPR reports on the Wisconsin photo ID law.  Yesterday, a federal judge approved an expanded photo ID educational program, but there are a few additional issues in dispute that still need to be decided.  For example, the use of mobile DMV units to provide free IDs before the election…

25.Oct, 2016 Comments Off on Not So Fast! Selfies May (or May Not) Be Legal in Your Polling Place

Not So Fast! Selfies May (or May Not) Be Legal in Your Polling Place

Depending on where you vote, a photo selfie may or may not be legal in your polling place.   This New Mexico article Let me just take a ballot box selfie? Not so fast shows that the law is still in a state of flux.   As the election inches closer,…

22.Oct, 2016 Comments Off on NC: Checks and Balances in Voting Help Maintain the Integrity of the Process

NC: Checks and Balances in Voting Help Maintain the Integrity of the Process

This article from North Carolina explains a few of the check and balances in the process to help protect the integrity of the process.  A local ABC affiliate in NC reported on their tour of the local election office:   Amidst a growing chorus of allegations from Republicans on voting fraud, ABC11…

22.Oct, 2016 Comments Off on Despite concerns, Candidate for Oregon Secretary of State calls for Same Day Registration

Despite concerns, Candidate for Oregon Secretary of State calls for Same Day Registration

Brad Avakian, a candidate for Oregon Secretary of State, called for future same day registration despite substantive concerns from election officials and a determination that the system would not work for Oregon.  Currently, the Oregon constitution also prohibits same day registration.  Election officials have highlighted the cost and administrative headaches. Earlier this…

22.Oct, 2016 Comments Off on Last week, Federal Judge extended Virginia voter registration deadline when registration system failed to perform

Last week, Federal Judge extended Virginia voter registration deadline when registration system failed to perform

The Richmond Times Dispatch reports on the extension of the voter registration deadline when the voter registration system failed to perform and allow citizens to register online.   Virginia Department of Elections officials said the website problems were caused by an unprecedented traffic surge and online voting promotions by Facebook…

19.Oct, 2016 Comments Off on New York Keeps Sending Ballots to Deceased Voter

New York Keeps Sending Ballots to Deceased Voter

The New York Post highlights a common problem that occurs when state and local election officials fail to identify and remove deceased voters from the voter rolls.  Absentee or mail ballots are sent year after year, election after election and the deceased person may remain on the rolls for decades. …

19.Oct, 2016 Comments Off on With early voting ongoing, ACLU sues to re-open voter registration

With early voting ongoing, ACLU sues to re-open voter registration

The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports that the ACLU has sued to re-open voter registration despite the fact that early voting has started with long lines already forming as voters seek to get to their vote counted even though there are three weeks of early voting in Georgia.

19.Oct, 2016 Comments Off on Election Assistance Commission Says Voting Process is Secure, Hacking Will Not Choose Next President

Election Assistance Commission Says Voting Process is Secure, Hacking Will Not Choose Next President

The Election Assistance Commission (EAC) published an op-ed piece in the Washington Post this morning, entitled “Don’t believe the hype. Foreign hackers will not choose the next president.” The key paragraph of the piece: Election officials work diligently to better secure the voting process. Because of their efforts, the process is…

19.Oct, 2016 Comments Off on Appeals Court denies request for additional early voting in North Carolina

Appeals Court denies request for additional early voting in North Carolina

ABC News reports that a federal appeals court rejects the request for five North Carolina counties.  Read more at the link.

19.Oct, 2016 Comments Off on The Nation’s Election Chiefs Assure Americans of Integrity of Presidential Election

The Nation’s Election Chiefs Assure Americans of Integrity of Presidential Election

The National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) have weighed in on the integrity of elections this cycle with a press release.  These are the chief election officials in the administration of elections.   The key parts of the press release are below: The members of the National Association of Secretaries of…