Lawyers Democracy Fund Publishes “Six Principles to Restore Voter Confidence in Elections”
Lawyers Democracy Fund has published a new paper titled, “Six Principles to Restore Voter Confidence in Elections.” Voter confidence is a crucial component to maintaining our system of government:
The peaceful transfer of power, so foundational to our system of government, rests upon voters, candidates, and all Americans trusting in the results of every election. Voters must believe their votes were counted and candidates must have faith that the winner of the election actually won—even if they themselves lose.
LDF’s recommendations for restoring voter confidence in elections include the following:
1. The rules governing an election should be firmly established well ahead of the voting period.
2. The rules governing an election should be clear and designed to address the many different situations and eventualities that may occur during a voting process.
3. Every rule governing the election system should ensure fairness in the voting process while protecting eligible voters and their right to vote.
4. The rules and processes should be entirely transparent, well-publicized, and widely known and understood.
5. All guidance and regulations regarding, and procedures for, running the election must be consistent with applicable federal and state statutes and established according to the governing administrative procedural rules.
6. Election officials should follow all laws, regulations, rules, procedures, and guidance that govern the running of the election.
As the paper concludes:
Giving every eligible voter the opportunity to cast a ballot requires not only giving them the actual opportunity to vote but also giving them the confidence to know that their vote will be counted according to the law. Baseline requirements of due process, transparency, and good election administration should be uncontroversial. These Six Principles are guidelines for state and federal legislatures and election administrators to follow to ensure that elections are held with confidence-building integrity.
LDF’s “Six Principles to Restore Voter Confidence in Elections” can be read in its entirety here.